Hello all! So, life's rather been taking over around these parts [dastardly kittens, family pictures, birthdays, anniversaries, new car purchase, the-ever-dreaded-"work"-excuse].
And yours truly [very sadly admitting] hasn't been taking care of this blog.

cushion-y-leather-insoles, thick-rubber-bottoms, comparatively low price]

See that sweet, furry friend above? This is Riley. He had been with our family 13 years the day that picture was taken. A 5-lb-pot-roast-eating, chocolate swindling, bark-at-every-noise-but-deathly-afraid-of-thunderstorms best friend.
And unfortunately enough, that same day we said the final goodbye to him. Have you ever had to do that? If so, you can probably agree wholeheartedly with me that it's the most bittersweet experience. But he was overtly protective, loyal, nurturing toward the other pets, and always hoping for affection. He had it pretty darn great.
So, I hope you're well where you are, beautiful boy.
Okay, moving on.
The best part about this [unintentional] time off, is that I have a much better idea of the content I'd like to blog about. THANK GOODNESS! Easily, the most difficult aspect of blogging is quality/quantity/specification of content. Ya feel me, fellow bloggers???
Now, excuse me while I go chase a kitten away from my turkey sammich! #petownerwoes
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