So, the last weekend, boyfriend Owen got to do what can terrify the crap out of many.......
....spend time with their significant other's extended family.
And by extended, I mean 6 aunts/uncles [and 5 spouses], 18 cousins [with 6 spouses, 1 fiance, 4 bf/gf's], and more second cousins than I could easily count. AND that's just my mom's side of the big ol' family - [not including grandpa's & grandma's siblings, and their own extended bunches].
We kinda took up the majority of a hotel. But, if any of you out there come from a big family, you might agree that it's pretty awesome.
And, may I just say, that handsome man can really hold his own with these people!
. . .
Okay, okay, you all probably are yawning now, right? I just had to post about it - it really was just the perfect weekend! Can ya blame me?? Okay, alright, I'm done blabbering now. Oh, hey, look....
I know, oooooooh and aaaaaawe, right? I've always been a total sucker for fireworks, especially during those warm summer nights spent having a blast with your favorite people.